MNSI:Quick Start

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////Temp Layout , Do Beauty Pass////

--For Static Mesh--

Quick start

0. Use one of the supplied example meshes the first time you're doing this to get the hang of the process. Try "MNSI-MainPlugin > Examples > Props > mesh > WoodBox" for example.

1. Make new blueprint class -> actor ((link to actor unreal wiki page))

2. Load your mesh as a static mesh component. ((Either drag from content browser or manually add a static mesh component))

3. Set "Simulate Physics" on your static mesh component

4. Set "Simulation Generates Hit Events" on your static mesh component

5. Set your static mesh component as scene root r ((Link to epic wiki about scene roots))

6. Add "MNSI-PhysicsSounds" ((Either drag from content browser or though "+Add Component type"MNSI-PhysicsSounds"))

7. You're done. If your mesh has a material that is recognized by MNSI, when you play the level, you will hear sounds. Try this out with one of the supplied example meshes.

To see how to set up materials see; MNSI:Quick Materials

Adjusting the parameters

The default plugin settings will not apply for every prop. The most important factor being your prop's physical mass. Really light weight props need settings different than really heavy props.

The settings you care about are as imaged.

Tutorial LinearAndRollSettingsExample.PNG

Outlined here is the best practice method for quickly finding the best values for your prop.

1. First let's adjust the Settings Impacts.

2. User "Impact Hard Velocity Min" and "Impact Light Velocity Min" are Triggers that define the minimum impulse a prop needs to experience to play either a hard impact or soft impact. The Impulse scales non-linearly with mass. "User Impact Hard Sound Range" and "User Impact Soft Sound Range." Are Ranges that define a sound volume range added to their respective Triggers . So if you set a your hard impact trigger to 1000, and a Range of 0, then as soon as the prop exceeds 1000 impulse force, it will play the sound at full volume. Setting a Range of +2000 means that the hard impact sound will play at zero volume at 1000 force, and maximum volume at 3000 impulse force. ////This is confusing revise////

////Temp Layout , Do Beauty Pass////