A complete list of "Features". ((Mostly so that I won't forget them either.))
- Hard and Light impact sounds.
- Volume based on range from minimum impulse to maximum impulse.
Roll and Friction sounds
- Different sounds for when rolling and or sliding.
- Volume based on range from minimum impulse to maximum impulse. Pitch based on minimum and maximum pitch values, interpolated between minimum and maximum speeds.
Relative Correction
- All math is relative to the surface
- If placed stationary on a moving platform, rolling and or friction sounds won't play.
Roll vs Slide Correction
- Friction though rolling
- A car wheel spinning in place will play a different sound than if it was spinning And moving in the direction of its spin.
Skeletal Mesh
- Limited Skeletal Mesh
- Can pick which bone to measure velocity and angular speed from, But can't isolate bones. It is impossible to know which bone collided with a surface. Every bone triggers the same event, so one can't differentiate car wheels from a car body if they are all part of the same skeletal mesh.